Stucco is a lime, cement, water and sand mixture that has been covering homes for millennia. Its versatility, attractive look and excellent insulation make it a top choice for exteriors across the nation. Many varieties of stucco include additives such as glass fiber and acrylic strands to help strengthen the coating. While stucco is a simple exterior, having a specialized stucco contractor perform your stucco installation in Bluffton, SC will ensure an even, durable and beautiful exterior. Here’s a list of stucco dos and don’ts in case you’re going to try your hand: Setting up: If you’re working on a... View Article
Depending on what you’ve heard about stucco home exteriors, you might be under the impression that stucco installation in Bluffton, SC can only be completed in warm weather. After all, stucco is extremely popular in the American Southwest, where temperatures can regularly reach triple digits. Or you might have been admiring your Bluffton neighbor’s stucco exteriors, but assume you’ll have to wait until spring rolls around to refinish your home. You might be surprised to find out that stucco can be applied in cold weather as well as warm. When the stucco is properly designed, mixed and installed, you’re guaranteed... View Article
As we head into the colder months, we naturally put many of our home improvement projects on pause until the spring. However, you might be looking at your home’s exterior and wondering if stucco is right for your home. Can it stand up to South Carolina’s weather—including cold temperatures, heavy storms and even hurricanes? The short answer? Yes! Stucco is an ideal material for this area, since it’s extremely durable and weather-resistant. Stucco is made of cement, sand, lime and water, and is usually applied over a mesh on the home’s exterior. This lends itself to a variety of options... View Article
Putting new stucco on your home is a big investment. Considering how much money you’re spending on your stucco, you’re going to want to make sure you do everything possible to ensure that it looks great when it’s complete. The kind of preparation you do on your home and the types of application techniques you use for painting are always important for any kind of exterior surface, but especially for stucco. Here’s a quick overview from a stucco contractor in Bluffton, SC of what you need to know about painting stucco: You need to clean the surface: No matter how... View Article
Getting ready to apply some stucco to the exterior walls of your home? While the process of stucco application is important to get right, it can be just as (if not more) important to focus on properly preparing the walls for the application of that stucco. The better your prep work, the better the end result is likely to be once you’re actually working on the stucco. With this in mind, here are some tips from a stucco contractor in Bluffton, SC about how you can prepare your home for stucco application: Consider the substrate: You can apply stucco over... View Article